Seattle Public Schools

Title VI Indian Parent Committee Minutes & Grant Information

2024-3-14 IPAC Meeting Minutes

2024-3-14 IPAC Meeting Minutes

Seattle Public Schools Native Education
Title Vl, Indian Parent Advisory Committee (IPAC)
Thursday, March 14, 2024

In attendance: Gail Morris, Clysta Cole, Tonia Galindo, Trina Nonis, Addie Rolnick, Heather Puri, Donna Hale-Wolcott

  • Meeting started at 5:12pm
  • Motion to approve February 2024 minutes: Clysta
  • Second: Donna
  • Motion: passed

Community Check-in

Year End Moving Up Ceremony

Date: June 5 or June 6 as back up

Chef Olivia Ford for food (gluten free options available) Gail will contact

Venue: Rainier Beach CC, Gail called and left a message and hasn’t heard back, will stop by RBCC to speak with them in person. Venue needed 4pm-9pm

Gail will order 8th Generation Blankets for the seniors

We have a tribal volunteer that would like to help make drums for the seniors

All seniors Must Be Present to receive a blanket and a drum

Still need:

  • MC
  • Photographer and/or reusable selfie stand (Huchoosedah themed)
  • Volunteers needed for set up, serving & clean up. Service hours available to SPS high school students

Native Education Update

The next CULTURE NIGHT, March 26, 2024, is at Meany Middle School 301 21st Ave. E. Seattle, WA 98112 room 46, 5:00-7:00 pm

  • We will be making bone necklaces with Mishella & Victoria P. Bring a dish or dessert to share

The next IPAC meeting date is moved to 4/18 because of spring break

Gail will be getting 100 laptops which will be available 1 per family AND a graduating student who is going to college or a currently enrolled college student that needs a laptop. The laptops come with Microsoft office and will have information on how to apply for the Comcast equity internet for $30 a month.

The final Culture night will be June 11th we will have a BBQ

We have some backpacks and jackets if your student needs one

Meeting ended at 6:09 p.m.

Next meeting is on April 18, 2024

We encourage all parents and guardians of Seattle Public Schools Native American and Alaskan Native Students to attend. The role of the Title Vl Native Education Parent Advisory Committee is to consult with and advise the Seattle School District on the development and operation of the Title Vl Program, assist in the development and approval of the Title Vl grant, and to help organize and conduct community cultural events, it’s important to know that the PAC helps to organize events and raise funds as well.  By serving on the PAC parents and guardians of Native American/Alaskan Native Students in Seattle Public Schools can help decide the program goals and activities.

For information contact Gail Morris  206-252-0948